This morning we packed up and left First Presbyterian Perrysburg, spend 2.5 hours in the car and eventually arrive in St. Louis, MI. Luckily, we were one of the first groups to arrive and were able to claim some good sleeping spots in our rooms. The guys are sleeping on the first floor in a small room with a 15 person group from Minnesota. Needless to say, there we are packed in like sausages. The girls just so happened to be paired up with the group from NJ that we have visited and seen at many camps in the past.
The local community provided us with a BBQ style lunch today. Later in the day we met our crews for the first time and and found out our jobs for the week. So far, I think we are really liking the challenge camp! All of our sites involve some kind of carpentry and we have quite a few roofs. As the week progresses we’ll take a look at our groups individual jobs.
During today’s evening program, we realized that we will be watching some Doug Fields videos again this year. He’s back but soul patchless and finally wearing a different shirt… Our emcee is the same emcee that we had in Vandalia, OH and the camp directory is Tom Shepherd who has directed camps we have attended in the past. If fact, this is his 50th camp!
Tomorrow we head out to our worksites for the first time, meet our residents, and continue our spiritual journeys. Each evening at 9 we will delve into our Indiana Jones devotion guides and hope you will do the same. Until tomorrow, keep the Faith!
Faith Workcamps
Building faithful youth.